WP6: Science engagement, collaboration, and impact

Lead: Christian Pansch-Hattich

This workpackage supports workpackages 1–5 through the integration and connection of approaches, solution-oriented engagement, and through the establishment of new collaborations and novel bottom-up research fields.

The objectives of WP6 are to

1. Coordinate and develop the Living Lab stakeholder engagement.
2. Foster new internal collaborations and enable co-creation around WPs 1–5, through the SOS Project Booster funding and The Sea Hub Network.
3. Enable mutual engagement of scientists, arts, and society through establishing an Åbo Akademi University ocean literacy effort.
4. Strive for challenge-based learning.

The work is structured under four specific tasks:

This task facilitates and coordinates the Living Lab methodology and related activities by connecting different interest groups and discussing the research questions of SOS with stakeholders from local societies, the public, and the private sector.

The work combines interviews, questionnaires, roundtable dialogues, workshops, and open panel discussions. The expected outcomes include an established and inter-connected science-stakeholder network within the model area.

Contacts: Cecilia Lundberg, Christian Pansch-Hattich, Henrik Ringbom, Nina Tynkkynen, Anna Törnroos-Remes

This task strengthens the existing collaborations and fosters new ones across regions and disciplines through developing The Sea Hub Network and by coordinating the SOS Project Booster calls. The work entails enabling dialogue for co-creation across new regions and disciplines by means of seminar series, workshops, and smaller conferences, as well as by establishing protocols for small-scale innovative funding. This task establishes Åbo Akademi University’s role as a leading partner in ocean-focused transdisciplinary research approaches.

Contacts: Christian Pansch-Hattich, Cecilia Lundberg, Nina Tynkkynen, Anna Törnroos-Remes

This task develops the Centres art-science cooperation through the three dimensions of collaborations: ArtSci (transdisciplinary teams of artists, scientist, and others ask joint questions and designs experiments together), SciCom (artists help scientist communicate), and SciArt (scientists inspire artists).

Here we take the Living Lab methodology “out to the field”, to structure the development of art and science collaboration around fieldwork labs using ÅAUs facilities for science and art in the Archipelago Centre Korpoström and Husö Biological Station. The aim of this approach is to foster: 1) in-depth exchange of knowledge and methodologies in and through practice on the field between artists and scientists, 2) development of the mediating role of the arts between different disciplines, stakeholders, and the public. The fieldwork labs will form a foundation for transdisciplinary collaboration, where the arts are equal partners with the sciences and the produced artworks or other public presentations do not simply illustrate science, but can engage diverse audiences with the issues in their complexity through artistic means.

Contacts: Cecilia Lundberg, Christoffer Boström, Taru Elfving, Christian Pansch-Hattich, Anna Törnroos-Remes

This task develops at least one new interdisciplinary course based on the holistic research questions in SOS. The target group is doctoral and MSc-level students within ÅAU, nationally and internationally. The Baltic University Programme network is in charge of developing the course in close connection with SOS experts.

Contacts: Cecilia Lundberg, Nina Tynkkynen, Anna Törnroos-Remes


Christian Pansch-Hattich
Christian Pansch-Hattich SOS WP6 Lead; Professor of Environmental and Marine Biology+358 50 512 6850 christian.pansch-hattich@abo.fiResearch profile
Christoffer Boström
Christoffer Boström SOS WP1 Lead; Associate Professor of Environmental and Marine Biology+358 50 431 8226christoffer.bostrom@abo.fiResearch profile
Taru Elfving SOS Art-Science Curator; Artistic Director of CAA Contemporary Art Archipelago+358 50 042 4063taruelfving@gmail.com
Cecilia Lundberg SOS Co-creation Coordinator; Education Planner at the Centre for Lifelong Learning+358 46 920 2007cecilia.lundberg@abo.fiResearch profile
Henrik Ringbom SOS WP4 Lead; Professor of Marine Law+358 50 463 3904henrik.ringbom@abo.fiResearch profile
Nina Tykkynen SOS Vice Director and WP5 Lead; Professor of Environmental Governance and Policy+358 50 440 0406nina.tynkkynen@abo.fiResearch profile
Anna Törnroos-Remes SOS Director, Associate Professor of Environmental and Marine Biology (tenure track)+358 41 434 1741anna.m.tornroos@abo.fiResearch profile