Lead: Nina Tynkkynen
This workpackage contributes to a paradigm shift for sustainable ocean science.
The objectives of WP5 are to:
1. Analyze and further develop the methods for knowledge co-creation based on WPs 1–4 and 6: e.g., inter-/transdisciplinary cooperation, living labs, art-science collaboration.
2. Encourage reflexive inter-/transdisciplinary (ITD) learning by developing strategies and concepts to manage diverging knowledge systems of ocean science.
The work is structured under three specific tasks:

Nina Tykkynen
SOS Vice Director and WP5 Lead; Professor of Environmental Governance and Policy+358 50 440 0406nina.tynkkynen@abo.fiResearch profile

Taru Elfving
SOS Art-Science Curator; Artistic Director of CAA Contemporary Art Archipelago+358 50 042 4063taruelfving@gmail.com

Cecilia Lundberg
SOS Co-creation Coordinator; Education Planner at the Centre for Lifelong Learning+358 46 920 2007cecilia.lundberg@abo.fiResearch profile

Anna Törnroos-Remes
SOS Director, Associate Professor of Environmental and Marine Biology (tenure track)+358 41 434 1741anna.m.tornroos@abo.fiResearch profile