Open position: Project Researcher (1.9.2024–28.2.2027)

Åbo Akademi University and SOS invite applications for a fixed-term project researcher position at the Faculty of Science and Engineering for 30 months, starting on September 1st, or according to agreement. The location of work is Turku, Finland.


The interdisciplinary position as a Project Researcher is within WP3, Land-Sea Interaction. This work package develops science-based solutions for successful co-existence of marine activities and coastal nature. This is done by studying relevant cases, including impacts from coastal homes/cottages (e.g., piers, leisure boating, small-scale dredging), offshore wind farm development, and habitability in the archipelago. 

The objectives of this research project are to 1) assess and characterize multiple stressors (abiotic and anthropogenic) at the land-sea intersection, from local to regional and global scales, 2) identify (from literature research and own experimental assessments in the research group) their interactive impacts on marine biodiversity, 3) and develop stress mitigation strategies for sustainable use of the land-sea continuum in the Archipelago Sea. These investigations can tackle local (e.g., light pollution or fishing and boating activities) and global (e.g., warming and marine heatwave events) trends, while mitigation strategies for the area will be developed in collaboration with the SOS group as well as within the framework, and expertise, of the profiling area The Sea at Åbo Akademi University


We seek a project researcher with a doctoral degree obtained within the fields of (or related to) environmental and/or marine ecology. The work requires strong expertise in experimental research and designing innovative experiments, performing literature research, and integrating the retrieved knowledge into actionable strategies. Hands-on experience in fieldwork and data analyses is advantageous. You are a team player, and your strengths include taking personal responsibility and commitment to reach targets. Strong oral and written knowledge of English is required for the position.


The project researcher’s salary is based on levels 5–6 of the job demand levels for teaching and research staff. In addition, an individual salary component based on personal work performance is added to the salary. Please see the salary chart for teaching and research personnel.

The employment is full-time. Researchers have a total working time of 1,612 hours per year. A trial period of six months applies to all new employees. The person appointed will have access to occupational health care services in Finland.


The application should be submitted electronically in the University recruitment system (link below) by June 19th, 2024, at 3.00 pm (EEST, Finnish time zone).