The Centre for Sustainable Ocean Science operates across several subjects and faculties at Åbo Akademi University. Our main mailing and visiting address is the Aurum building (2nd floor), offices of Environmental and Marine Biology:
Centre for Sustainable Ocean Science (SOS)
Environmental and Marine Biology, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Åbo Akademi University
Henrikinkatu 2
20500 Turku, FINLAND
For general inquiries, please contact us at
You can find the direct email addresses of our staff and reserachers below.
Centre Directors

Anna Törnroos-Remes
SOS Director, Associate Professor of Environmental and Marine Biology (tenure track) 41 434 1741Research profile

Nina Tykkynen
SOS Vice Director and WP5 Lead; Professor of Environmental Governance and 50 440 0406Research profile
Steering Group

Christoffer Boström
SOS WP1 Lead; Associate Professor of Environmental and Marine 50 431 8226Research profile

Sonja Salovius-Laurén
SOS WP2 Lead; University Researcher in Environmental and Marine 46 921 6458Research profile

Magnus Hellström
SOS WP3 Lead; Professor in the Laboratory of Industrial 40 737 9980Research profile

Henrik Ringbom
SOS WP4 Lead; Professor of Marine 50 463 3904Research profile

Christian Pansch-Hattich
SOS WP6 Lead; Professor of Environmental and Marine 50 512 6850 Research profile

Taru Elfving
SOS Art-Science Curator; Artistic Director of CAA Contemporary Art 50 042 4063

Cecilia Lundberg
SOS Co-creation Coordinator; Education Planner at the Centre for Lifelong 46 920 2007Research profile
Researchers and other personnel

Roxana Preston
Postdoctoral Researcher, SOS WP2; Project researcher, Biodiversea LIFE IProxana.preston@abo.fiResearch profile