RelEx Core Team and Experts Collaborate in a 3-Day Workshop in Turku

Turku, Finland – June 2024 – In a collaborative effort to refine and enhance its research instruments, the RelEx core team hosted a productive three-day workshop from June 14-16 in Turku, Finland. This event brought together members of the RelEx core team and invited experts, including the steering group and advisory board members, to focus on developing and revising key research tools.

The primary goal of the workshop was to critically evaluate and improve the RelEx survey, the 10-item Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ), and a revised plain-language version of the Faith Q-Sort (FQS). The participants concentrated on several key areas: the overall composition of the survey, the specific items included, and the clarity and phrasing of the questions. Discussions also covered the integration of potential audiovisual aids to enhance the survey’s effectiveness and user engagement.

Participants leveraged their diverse expertise and perspectives to provide valuable feedback and suggestions. The outcomes of this workshop are expected to significantly enhance the quality and accessibility of the RelEx research instruments, ensuring they effectively serve their intended purpose. The RelEx core team extends their gratitude to all participants for their invaluable contributions and looks forward to implementing the improvements discussed during the workshop.