Research Ethics

Ethical conduct is given highest priority in all RelEx research and is approached as a central methodological issue during each research phase.   

All countries share a guideline to ensure best practices in full accordance with the guidelines of the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity and the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (2023, Regulation 2016/679 of the EU Council). All RelEx research will equally be conducted in compliance with the existing and current national research ethics guidelines/regulations of Ghana, India, and Peru. The ethical guidelines and standards of RelEx will be regularly reviewed and updated to correspond to any changes in national guidelines and/or regulations. Compliance with the highest ethical standards will be monitored and enforced throughout the duration of the RelEx CoE.  

Ethical clearance for the research project as a whole has been secured at Åbo Akademi University in Finland.  

RELEX engages in reciprocal research, whereby the research process is based on a principle of mutual exchange and serious consideration of how research results can be beneficial for and support the empowerment of participants themselves. 

Special attention will be devoted to ensuring that participants are completely informed about the research process as well as any potential risks involved and the steps taken to minimize these. All members of the research team will ensure that participants feel respected and safe at all times and that they are fully aware of their right to withdraw from the study at any time. Informed consent is gained as part of an extended relational commitment and is viewed as a process rather than an event. We follow the General Data Protection Regulation Act processing of personal data. All participants are assigned an identifier code. At no time do they participate under their own names. Participation under a pseudonym is also possible. The findings will always, to the extent possible, be provided to any participant requesting them and will also be shared with all collaborating organizations and NGOs. Overall, RelEx consciously aims to achieve equality and diversity in all aspects of the research.