RELEX engages in completely new types of exploratory research on the interplay between religion, values, and social exclusion in light of several notable cases across four wider cultural and national contexts. RELEX also simultaneously engages in experimental research in that we will develop and apply a new mixed-methods framework that is specifically designed for research among vulnerable and socially excluded populations and that is able to generate a rich and unique body of data that is unattainable by any other means.
The interplay between religion and social exclusion remains poorly understood since it often involves researching vulnerable and hard-to-reach populations. This presents a range of significant methodological challenges. We develop methodological instruments that can be successfully and reliably applied across challenging research contexts.
The new mixed-methods framework consists of three mutually supporting research instruments. Although the instruments contain quantitative elements that partly employ quantitative procedures of analysis for the purposes of identifying broader patterns and connections, the framework as a whole is qualitative. The instruments consist of 1) a short, targeted survey; 2) the Portrait Values Questionnaire or PVQ; and 3) the Faith Q-Sort instrument or FQS.