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PALOMA Research Network

Experiences of asylum interviews by asylum officials, interpreters and asylum seekers in Finland
Experiences of asylum interviews by asylum officials, interpreters and asylum seekers in Finland New paper alert by post-doctoral researcher Jenny Skrifvars and Psych-AID colleagues exploring the experiences of asylum interviews by asylum officials, interpreters and asylum seekers in Finland. Despite previous research on investigative interviewing in the asylum context, few studies have examined how the…

Developing and evaluating a training programme in legal psychology for Finnish asylum officials
Developing and evaluating a training programme in legal psychology for Finnish asylum officials Read exciting new research from post doctoral researcher Jenny Skrifvars and colleagues Jan Antfolk & Julia Korkman, in collaboration with Maahanmuuttovirasto – Migrationsverket – Finnish Immigration Service Together they developed and evaluated a training programme in Legal Psychology for Finnish Asylum Officials!…

(In)credibly queer? Assessments of asylum claims based on sexual orientation
(In)credibly queer? Assessments of asylum claimsbased on sexual orientation Asylum-seekers fleeing persecution in their home countries often undertake long and life-threatening journeys to safety, and subsequently face complex legal systems to apply for international protection. To convince an asylum official in the host country that they have a well-founded fear of harm in their home…

Asylum claims based on sexual orientation: a review of psycho-legal issues in credibility assessments
A narrative review was conducted to explore asylum officials’ credibility assessments based on sexual orientation, and how well these align with psychological knowledge. From this, we pose implications for research and practice.