We care for the society of today and the future

Our strategic choices

We focus on:

1. the prerequisites for obtaining competitive external funding, research excellence in certain areas, high-quality research in all our fields and the basic research that society needs in the long term.

The search for excellence is a powerful driving force in university research. The prerequisites for excellence and competitive funding are important assessment criteria when recruiting researchers and professors. In addition, much effort is needed to support research funding, infrastructure and a credible evaluation process that identifies research environments withthe potential to reach international excellence. Different areas of science have different criteria for development, depending on their traditions and social context. However, everyone has the opportunity to obtain external competitive research funding. In areas where access to excellence is difficult, high-quality research is required, on one hand, to respond to the needs of society and, on the other, to meet our responsibility for the Swedish community in Finland and all our education programmes. Postgraduate research studies should continue to be possible in the small yet socially and culturally significant areas that are of particular importance to the Swedish-speaking community in Finland. We increase the impact and relevance of research in society when we make research results available in various forms.

2. inter- and multidisciplinary research to address global sustainability challenges

Our research profiles are currently Minority Research, The Sea, Solutions for Health and Technologies for a Sustainable Future. Those profiles go beyond faculty boundaries, are naturally interdisciplinary and dynamically changing. Continuous analysis of the focus, theme and relevance of research profiles is a natural part of our activities. The explicit aim of our profiles is to address the major and complex wicked problems facing humanity and our world. Their continued integration into the faculties’ research activities and well utilized internal centres of excellence helps us to achieve excellence in certain areas.

3. socially-relevant research with established and new partners

The university’s responsibility for the Swedish-speaking community in Finland can be expressed through focused research. Together with key societal institutions, we contribute to the production of relevant knowledge. Research for socially and scientifically relevant innovations supports our ambitions. Strategic and long-term partnerships foster the implementation and dissemination of research results.

4. high-level and effective post-graduate education that provides our doctoral students with a solid foundation for a continued career in contexts where the acquired research training contributes to society or the academic community, both nationally and internationally

The focus of post-graduate education is to offer society higher academic competence. Our post-graduate education is the basis for an academic career. By investing in post-graduate education, we create conditions for promising researchers to advance in their careers in Finland or internationally. Post-graduate education is structured so that its activities are effective, quality-oriented and managed responsibly.

5. clear processes to follow up, develop and ensure the quality of our research and post-graduate education.

The university has a well-defined model for quality assurance that clarifies responsibilities and mandates. The tools used for reporting and follow-up are highly functional and promote the economic sustainability of our research projects. Based on this model, our post-graduate education and research is continuously monitored and evaluated.

Our Roadmap for Research 2025–2030 further specifies our strategic choices and focus areas.

We focus on:

1. at least seven internationally certified degree programmes and economically viable education throughout the organisation

Our courses have clear structures that allow for quality examinations and a highacademic standard. We also strive to create environments of excellence in education, for instance through external evaluation. Systematic use of planning and evaluation functions ensures quality, relevance and attraction. Teaching is done based on economic viability and is properly dimensioned.

2. safe, secure and modern study and work environments for our students and staff

Study environments comprise physical facilities as well as virtual and social communities. The university purposefully invests in the development of campus areas and physical facilities continue to be the arena for learning, knowledge production and socialising. Contact between students and staff is easy to maintain in our study environments. We have clearly defined rules and treat each other equally and respectfully in the course of our activities.

3. relevant and flexible study programmes for continuous learning and competence development, especially in Swedish and other selected areas

Based on an analysis of what future society needs, the university has prioritised a number of areas in continuous and lifelong learning. In addition, within the framework of the opportunities that Digivisio 2030 offers, we need to strengthen our offering in areas that are culturally and socially important to the Swedish-speaking community in Finland. Because the target group for lifelong and continuous learning is broad and heterogeneous, study programmes are designed so that it will be possible to study alongside full-time employment and in other circumstances that require a high degree of flexibility.

4. pedagogical and digital competence development for all teachers

The educational skills of our staff are evaluated based on the needs of our students, legislation and constant changes in society. High-quality education and training presupposes that the latest research is linked not only to education, but also updated pedagogical knowledge. Likewise, the need for skills in special (university) education must also be taken into account in our education. Consequently, Åbo Akademi University invests in multifaceted, compulsory pedagogical and digital competence development for its teachers.

5. clear processes for monitoring, evaluating and assuring quality of our pedagogical activities

The university has a well-defined model for quality assurance that clarifies responsibilities and mandates. The tools used for reporting and follow-up are highly functional and promote the economic sustainability of our research projects. Based on this model, our post-graduate education and research is continuously monitored and evaluated.

Our Roadmap for Research 2025–2030 further specifies our strategic choices and focus areas.

We focus on:

1. selected, long-term, strategic partnerships of various kinds. Collaboration with the Åbo Akademi University Foundation is fundamental and helps us to fulfil our mission.

Long-term and strategically selected partnerships create opportunities and added value for students, teachers and researchers. When we work together over time and with purpose, we create optimal conditions for nationally and internationally viable education that is relevant to society and the future, along with advanced and socially-relevant research. Ever since the founding of Åbo Akademi University in 1918, the Foundation has played a crucial role. Our collaboration is just as important today as it has ever been. The Foundation’s primary mission is to contribute financially to the upkeep of the university.

2. highly functional relationships with key actors in the regions, in which we operate.

As far as the university is concerned, regions are more than specific geographical areas. Given that our identity is closely aligned with the Nordic perspective and that we have a linguistic and culture-bearing responsibility in Finland, our mandate is broad. We also have a clear geographical base in our campuses in Turku and Vaasa, making it imperative to continuously raise our profile and increase our active interaction with local actors.

3. a continuous and strengthened dialogue with culture, working life and the business sector in order to enhance the relevance of education and research towards achieving significant societal impact.

Maintaining a dialogue with culture, working life and the business sector is key to ensuring the societal and professional significance of our degree programmes, as well as when planning continuous skills development and conducting research. All of this contributes to new knowledge, skills and innovation. We develop strategic partnerships with selected partners in all areas of activity and maintain an active dialogue with them to identify relevant development needs in cooperation.

4. mutually enriching relationships with our alumni and students.

Our students are important to us. The basis for credible marketing is the experience of students and staff. Alumni who enjoyed their experience with us never leave the university. We are strengthening and systematising our alumni activities in an effort to encourage alumni to make contributions to Åbo Akademi University. During the course of their studies, our students learn what it means to be an alumnus. Our alumni are given a context and the means to contribute with their skills and experience.

5. synergies through collaboration with other higher education institutions and universities nationally and internationally. Our collaboration with the Novia University of Applied Sciences falls into a special category. This group collaboration ensures mutual and complementary higher education activities in Swedish in Finland.

Åbo Akademi University’s collaboration with the universities and higher education institutions that operate in our campus towns of Vaasa and Turku is of particular importance to us. At the national level, collaboration in the Coordination Body for Swedish-language Higher Education in Finland is important, as the dialogue on higher education in Swedish in Finland takes place there. The CHARM-EU European University Alliance offers us opportunities for international cooperation with top universities in Europe. The Digivisio 2030 project enables new forms of collaboration with universities in Finland and internationally, especially in education and continuous learning. However, collaborations – especially with the University of Turku – that are based on complementary relationships vis-à-vis education, research and resource-efficient research infrastructures are crucial to our ability to conduct high-quality activities. Such collaborations mean that we must take a clear lead and act as credible partners. Åbo Akademi University is the owner of Novia University of Applied Sciences, and together the two form a joint group. This structure creates opportunities for synergies within our organisations, study paths in certain areas of education and competence development.

Our Roadmap for Research 2025–2030 further specifies our strategic choices and focus areas.

We focus on:

1. properly dimensioned and professional leadership with clear mandates, responsibilities and other prerequisites to lead university activities with regard to both organisational and academic conditions

The leadership that the organisation needs includes courage, responsibility and responsiveness, along with sustainable conditions. Distinctive structures, well-defined roles and mandates with a direct link to financial responsibility at different levels of activity enable effective and accountable leadership.

The allocation of responsibilities and mandates by the line organisation is strongly geared towards having a coherent and well-defined management organisation. The principle of freedom of research and teaching as a prerequisite for academic operations must also be given a distinct organisational framework.

2. result-oriented, knowledge-based and standardised ways to plan, organise and follow up our operations

Our activities require well-planned use of resources and a well-defined organisation. We make strategic choices based on proven experience, knowledge and credible forecasts. We systematise our business and decision-making processes, including the ways in which working groups, councils and committees operate. Åbo Akademi University has a clearly defined model for quality assurance that includes actors and their responsibilities and mandates. The tools used for reporting and follow-up are highly functional. Based on the quality assurance model, we continuously monitor and evaluate our approaches to planning, implementing and following up our activities, as well as how we deal with irregularities.

3. structures that support smooth change management

Change is challenging, but necessary and constantly recurring. If we want to be prepared for dealing with change, we need to identify needs through continuous monitoring and evaluation, and through continuous analysis of the future and the world around us. We need to purposefully work towards an operating culture that safeguards respect, compliance with regulations and an awareness of economic realities. Clearly defined processes for working effectively over the long term while remaining grounded in reality lay a solid foundation for well-being. The internal supply of skills must be effective and goal-oriented in order for us to best address identified needs for change and foster security and well-being.

4. effective, highly functional and appealing physical and digital campus environments combining rich academic traditions and dynamic arenas for activity and synergy

Åbo Akademi University seeks to reconcile the positive aspects of campus-based activities with the flexibility offered by digital environments. We need to be clear about how we work in both environments. Our physical campus environments in Turku and Vaasa must be inviting, inclusive and accessible meeting places for students, academic discussion, creativity and collaboration. A campus should provide versatile spaces for study, work, free time and student culture. Digitalisation should be used when it offers added value. By clearly defining the objectives and target group for our activities, primarily education, we must choose a clear strategy for each activity.

5. clear job descriptions for staff and a reasonable workload.

We strive to create clearly defined job descriptions for all our employees and ensure a reasonable workload for each and every one. Work profiles must be reviewed at regular intervals to take changes in tasks and workload into account.

Our Roadmap for Research 2025–2030 further specifies our strategic choices and focus areas.