We care for the society of today and the future

Our identity

The description of our identity sets the tone for our activities and states what is relevant about us, our context and our mission:

1. We are the Swedish-speaking university in Finland and we operate in many languages. Our history has primarily been influenced by German and Nordic scientific and cultural traditions. Although the Nordic countries are an important reference point in all our activities, we also attentively follow and take part in international developments.

Our identity stems from the contexts of which we are part: historically, presently and with an eye to the future. Based on our status, our historical context and our Scandinavian language, we are part of a network of universities in the Nordic countries. Contact with universities and research funding organisations in Sweden is particularly important.

2. We offer an international context for study, research and collaboration.

Our mission is based on responsibility for the Swedish-speaking population, but we also offer an international context for education and research. International research, our Masters’ programmes given in English and vital student exchanges provide continuous input. Given our Swedish context, we want to strengthen and raise the profile of the international presence at Åbo Akademi University.

3. Our regional, national and international networks offer much more than who and what we are alone.

We are regionally connected in networks and in collaboration with universities operating in our campus cities. Our research is diversified in collaboration with universities as well as businesses, industries and other organisations. We are part of national and international collaborations, including UniFi, TENK, Nordic and European university administration networks, the Coimbra Group University Network, the CHARM-EU University Alliance and the European University Association.

To guide the identity-creating work of the university, we maintain the Roadmap for Linguistic Responsibility 2025–30 that specifies our language practices, requirements for recruitment, educational opportunities and our interpretations of our responsibilities for the Swedish language and community in Finland.